Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Welcome my March + a

I know it's so late to say "Welcome march" but sorry in March i'm so bussy with all my activity. DBL will be held on 18 March ( In there, i and my friends will perform our dance ), and are you remember about my event? Yes, my Try Out JHS se-DIY wiil be held on 18 March too. Oh My God, why the events must be held in one day????
And you know what again? On 19 March i will face UTS. Arrgh This is will be a hard week!!
I'm afraid my event will be fail because i too focused on my dance or my dance will not maximal because i too facused on preparing my Try Out event as well or.....yes or... OMG how about my UTS??? Ya Allah please give me a success....
Guys, please i really need your prayers to make my both event and my UTS will be success. Amin :')

P.S : Guess what, who will birthday on march?

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