Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Busy but Fun

In my last post, there was my photos with 2 my friends. Yes, they are my best friend

@lulysyahkiss and @permatasafira (she is my senior in shs) .

About one week ago, we take some picture in UGM, the photographer is @permatasafira's friend. His name is Ardi (i think) and He school in Bosa.
In that day we so busy, because after take some picture in UGM, we must went to amongrogo to support our school basketball team on their match. However, we really happy in that day. Thaks Luly.. Thanks Mbak Nanda i love you, guys :)

2 komentar:

  1. nice pics ! :)
    Mind to check and follow my blog ? hehe

  2. Done:) Thankyou sist. I visit your blog and you have a lot of nice pict too :)
