Rabu, 31 Maret 2010


Today :
I go to my best friend XXI with elementary school. Yeah with Andita, Enggar, Fazi. do not know why now I often play with them. probably because they cried. mengahabiskan really cool vacation with them. lol
In XXI our free movie because I can go there for free invitations. But, I lost 100,000 in the bathroom XXI. oh my god. I'm sorry, why misfortune happens to me? Sad, because 100.00 is a lot. but I try to not remember it because there's just a sense of regret. that money may go to my soul mate. huh: '(
nabuung lagii nabuung again.
After we ate at the XXI MISTER BURGER deketna Gramedia. hung out there until half past 9, just what we need to go home.
yippyy. cool day, although still losing money. thankyou god, thank you my best friend. i love u soo much; DD

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