Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Vintage as we know

Vintage as we know

Hey, guys! Guess What?
Yes i met Aldo Dimas and Hernanda Aji again after so long we've never meet. Oh God, i miss them so much, by the way. The first time i meet them in LBI course (name a course), but unfortunatly i move in privat and after that i just talk to them via social media. So bad actually.

But last week, we've a photoshoot in UGM, and you know how cool is it. Actually our photoshoot not yet have a plan before. We just talk about it 3 day before we go. And Alhamdulillah erverthing runs so amazingly.  


When you meet them, you'll think the same think like me. Nice, cute, lovely, amazing, and another positive word that can't i write it all. Our friendship just like a barbie between the princes, yes it is we :)


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