It is a sweety surprise from my beloved friend, yaah beloved friend:') thanks yaa i really really happy at the time. Sorry if i always and always make you sad and sorry if i had disapointed of you.
This is a sweet gift from Via, my bestfriend:D oh thankyou via, i love you and sorry if i always make you badmood:') i never ever ever forget about our memory. kisshug :**
AND TARAAAAAA there are a gift from my crazy,sweety and lovely BF "FAZI,ONAD,PUTRI" I love you very much friends, thankyou:')
To Onad and Fazi very thanks because you always teach me about mathematich.
I really love you, friends. And please, don't forget me yaa.
SMA nanti kita tetap harus rajin ke Kedai Susu yaaa :DD HARUSS!!!
And this, when i and my friends from ZKIEDZAN dinner at Waroeng Steak :')thanks friends